Sunday, August 1, 2010

For the week of August 2nd

Hi everybody!

I hope you all had a great weekend. Here are this week's spelling list, homework and Problem of the Week. Students, if you have your agenda with you at home, go ahead and fill out the agenda this weekend and save yourself some time in the mornings at school. See you all tomorrow!

Spelling Words
1. stayed 6. style 11. believes 16. payment
2. brain 7. delighted 12. tonight 17. brief
3. thief 8. daily 13. increased 18. tray
4. meat 9. breathe 14. explained 19. byte
5. flight 10. meanwhile 15. slightly 20. raise

Problem of the Week
At the Jonas brothers concert, the audience needed to sit in chairs in rows of 13. There were 976 people in attendance. How many rows of chairs were filled up?

Monday: Spelling words 3x each in cursive, set weekly goal, read for 20 minutes, work on POW
Tuesday: Spelling sentences (one word per sentence), math (985/34, 1256/16, 398/42, 2698/14, 786/44) read for 20 minutes, work on POW
Wednesday: Write each spelling word and next to it a synonym, non-fiction reading assignment, read for 20 minutes, work on POW
Thursday: Study for spelling, reflect on weekly goal (2 or 3 sentences on how you did), reading log for 20 minutes and complete POW
Friday: Reading log for 20 minutes over the weekend.