Dear families,
Can you believe May is here? It sure has been a fast flying year here in 5th grade. Your students have grown well over several inches and have gained so much new knowledge. It is hard to believe they are off to middle school in a few short weeks. I hope this week finds everyone happy and healthy. Below is the information and reminders for the upcoming week. Enjoy. As always, thank you for being a partner in your child's education!
* HIV/AIDS and Human Sexuality Lessons Permission slips are coming home Monday and due back by Friday.
* AR for the month ends this Friday. Let's help put CWE in second place overall.
* No ELP this week.
* Spelling book pgs. 73, 74, 75 due Friday.
* Packets due Friday.
* State research due Friday.
Spelling words this week:
1. discuss
2. deduct
3. dismissed
4. develop
5. disease
6. discount
7. disturb
8. details
9. demand
10. determined
11. depressed
12. defense
13. disappointing
14. discouraged
15. disadvantage
16. demonstrated
17. defeat
18. descent
19. disappear
20. disconnect